Brewer wanted to go play with the kids in the neighborhood. We made him wear his winter coat, he tolerated it for a few minutes but it didnt last
Here in Wake Forest the predicted winter storm was all we hoped for.Steffi and I went to the grocery store on Tuesday night and stocked up. I dont usually buy into the whole "stock up or be sorry" theory when it comes to winter weather, but it was fun to play along this time. So we shacked up and havent driven any where yet. I normally love to get out and drive around, but I havent had a need to. Yesterday we walked to Hardees for Breakfast. Steffi and I always laugh over our uncanny ability to miscommunicate. We brought the Brew down to Hardees with us so I went in and she stayed outside with him. I thought she said she wanted a sausage biscuit and coffee, and I thought she also said we should just get the 2 for 2 deal, so I got 2 sausage biscuits, a small coffee and a small drink for me. I wanted more food but I thought I would appease her and only eat 1 biscuit since she is always worried about my diet. Well when we got home she got upset because there were only 2 biscuits instead of 4. She wanted 2 for herself. Whoops, just one small example of our great communication skills.
Brewer acted like a wild indian the whole time he was outside.
Yesterday was the last day of duck hunting season in NC. I wanted to go, but I figured I had been out enough and I wouldnt push my luck. I mentioned in some earlier posts that I was really an amateur waterfowler at best. This is still true, and while I didnt kill any ducks this season, I learned a great deal. Also I didnt even start chasing the ducks until The first or second week of January. I cant wait to get after them a little earlier next fall. There is a small chance for some redemption. Feb 13th , me and Brewer are participating in a FUN TRIAL with the Yadkin Valley Chapter of Quail Unlimited. This will be a great chance for Brewer to get some more experience with birds, hopefully he will hold on point. Its been a while since he was in upland mode, we will see how it goes. I am just really excited at the chance for him to find some birds that I can shoot. Since this is a fun trial, it will be much more informal then a field trial or hunt test, which I dont think he is quite ready for just yet. In the next two weeks I will run Brewer back through some of his basic upland training, as I do this I will give you the run down on what I did and how its going. Once again, I dont want to give the impression that I am some expert at training gun dogs, but I do think I have learned some foundational steps I would like to share. Well time to go play in the snow and find some critter tracks to follow. You should get out in it too.
Oh andrew, you should know better than to not get steffi enough food. :)