So to be perfectly honest with yall. I have only been duck hunting a handful of times. However it didnt take long for me to really love gettin after those birds. All of my life I have wanted a dog of my own. Growing up we had 2 family dogs. Holly, a Cocker Spaniel, who really didnt have a fair life, and Quincy the miniature Dachshund. Holly was kept in a pen out in the back yard and as much as we loved her, we didnt play with her or let her out nearly enough. One day she dug under the fence and got hit by a car. We were all upset. Quincy was a great dog, he used to get loose and run up and down our street. (not where Holly got hit) He was so long that his rear end would start catching up to his head until he was running almost sideways. He was an indoor dog that got a lot more attention then Holly. He used to lay with me on the couch and watch tv on his back like a person. Quincy, aka The Quinster aka The Stir, developed spinal problems from being so long and we eventually had to put him to sleep after he became paralyzed.Despite always wanting another dog, it wasnt until I got into hunting, and more specifically bird hunting a little, that I really considered it. I originally wanted a lab, but my wife has a slight allergy to labs. I think it has something to do with their hair. After much debate, we compromised on a German Shorthaired Pointer.What an awesome breed!! I have much more to say about Brewer later, but to get to the point, I dont have a ton of knowledge when it comes to waterfowl. I know enough to look like I know what I am doing and maybe shoot a few birds, and thats it. Some people call a lot, some people just a little, how long do you like to sit in the blind ? I dont know how many people are reading this blog, maybe just a few people. If you are a duck hunter or goose hunter, come up with some tips, maybe a top 5 or top 3 things to remember when waterfowling or something like that. I want to hear from yall. Leave me a comment or email me and I will post it. I am always interested to hear peoples tips, secrets, tricks etc.. I have been seeing a lot of ducks in the last week on small ponds and such.I have not been duck hunting yet this year, give me some hunting reports, send me some pics to post. I am hoping to go next week. Brewer is 7 months old, he sits well, stays well, and responds to my instruction via whistle really well. He just doesnt like to sit still very long. He loves the water, and retrieves great from the water. I am more confident in his abilities to retrieve birds then my ability to shoot them. I have REALLY got to get him on some birds though. I havent done it nearly enough. If I do take him duck hunting, it will have to be for him and not for me. A friend of mine invited me to take Brewer out to some local game lands on Saturday with him and his Beagle. I know that is unconventional, rabbit dog and bird dog running together. We didnt locate any quail but the Beagle caught scent of a rabbit a few times. It was a great time, we ran ourselves and the dogs ragged, and I found some great new hunting spots in the process.Have any of yall found a good population of quail on gamelands? You dont have to answer that, I wouldnt tell either. Well I could go on and on, but it is late, and I promised Steffi I would clean the kitchen. Plus she needs the computer back. Speaking of Brewer, he just got kenneled for eating the Christmas tree and licking spackle off the wall. Trust me, he knows better.Haha
atta boy brew!