Sunday, January 17, 2010

A call to action

Well, I dont think I have ever felt more useless than I felt the other day. The day after the earthquake in Haiti, I found my self really wanting to be there,to be able to help in some tangible way other then money(dont have much of that to give) but I was stuck at my work doing REALLY unimportant things, as is usually the case. This is no ones fault but mine, I am not knocking where I work, rather indicating I have to do more with my life. This has pushed me to make a few decisions I have contemplated for a while. I wont spill the beans now, but things have to change, so I am forcing my own hand. Its not just the recent disaster or some emotional decision making that has led me to this. This has been a long time coming, if you read back a few posts to when I talk about purpose, this ties right in. Too often we get caught up in what we should do with our lives, and we miss what we could be doing right now. Opportunities to be faithful to God are abundant every hour of every day. Raleigh or Africa, who cares. God says, if we are in him, he will bless us whatever we choose to do, where ever we choose to go. Christ is the standard, not anybody else. No one has my relationship with Christ but me, I cannot compare my self to others, but to Christ. To quote the pastor today, "Our relationship with God is meant to be personal, not private." We are called to come together as a community of believers and lift each other up. The message of Salvation and Grace must be delivered at all costs, where and to who doesnt really matter. We spend way too much time worrying about that among other things, and as a result of our failure to jump in, we end up missing out on a lot, doubting our faith and taking an unnecessary road to redemption if we get there. We should trust God from the beginning when he says he knows the number of hairs on our head, and the desires of our heart, because he really does.He put them there. We should seek him first, not last,our faith should be battle tested before the real battle.Trusting God at his word should be a natural response, but we make it a last resort. We should know that he has our best interest at heart, despite what our logic or emotions tell us. Dont get me wrong,I am not angry, just reflecting back on how I could have activated my faith without being in the face of disaster. Thankfully, God's grace is more abundant then all of my failures and my story doesnt end here. I only have some indirect ties to Haiti, but my heart really goes out to the people there. If only through prayer, this is a call to action.People are fighting for their lives as we speak and they have not been found yet.
To the people of Haiti, I cant imagine what you are experiencing, my continued prayer is that you persevere and cling to the one who does not grow weary. May hope sustain you until help finds you.


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