These are pictures of a Wayne County , NC buck believed to be taken illegally. The buck has been taken from the men who killed it along with a spotlight and gun. What a buck, what a shame. Pictures and story found on moose droppings. Check my links to find it
Well, deer season is finally over for me. My freezer is empty, but not for lack of effort or opportunity.Looking back now I should have taken a doe or two when I had the chance. Hind sight is 20-20 right. Overall, this was probably the most exciting season I have experienced yet. I didnt get to go hunting until the 3rd week of October because we moved into our house in September. I had three encounters with good bucks.Two of those encounters really stand out to me. The first was a violent fight between a good six pointer and what I think was a really good 8 pointer. I could have shot the 6, but he lost the fight to a bigger deer that didnt present a shot. The second encounter was another nice 8 pointer that walked to within 7 yards of me. I was hunting on the ground with my bow and he came to me on a string at last light, I lost my cool and tried to draw, he picked me off and the game was over. Only three times out of maybe 15 did I not see any deer. I almost exclusively hunted on game lands and I think that made me a better hunter. I really didnt have to get away from other hunters though. Only 2 times did I run into other people. One of those times a group of people were just fishing from the bank. Two of the times I didnt see any deer were my last hunts, This past Thursday afternoon and Friday Morning. Friday morning a deer snuck by me before shooting light and that was it. While I would love to have some venison in the freezer, this season was a success in my book. I know I have increased my chances of bagging a big buck next year. Next September cannot get here soon enough, but in the mean time I will do some scouting and shed hunting to keep stay sharp. One thing I learned this season is the importance of staying focused while in the woods. Had I been focused when that great 8 came in I probably would have sealed the deal, but he caught me off guard. I am beginning to believe that my perspective in the woods can dictate the success of the hunt. When I am focused on the hunt, I dont make mistakes, when I drift off to lala land I get sloppy. That sounds simple, but all you hunters know its not. When you have been sitting a while without any action, or the conditions arent ideal, it is easy to get distracted. Keep your head in the game and it will pay off. More to come in a few days, until then, leave a comment or email me with some of your hunting stories/lessons learned from this season. Stay tuned, all kinds of good stuff still to come.
I did not read this post; however, the pictures are quite serious...is steffi okay with your animal killing adventures? haha miss you guys!